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首页 > 量具知识 > 国际量具量仪标准 > Measuring instrument

Measuring instrument

作者:广陆数测 发布日期:2013-12-19


Exact measurement is an absolute must for everyone who wants to guarantee precise and first-class work. That is why the best measuring instruments are necessary. We offer a broad range of products from the field of measuring instruments.
Here you can find all various types of testing and measuring instruments, handheld and desktop. At the moment we stock around 500 different types of quality tools to measure various parameters in the physical, electrical and chemical spectrums. You can find lots of equipment to complete the task, be it monitoring, analysis, measurement or testing. Big crane scales or vehicle scales are only some examples for industry measuring instruments. But not only big companies need measuring instruments. We do also address individual customers with cheap solutions for daily problems. From microscopes for education over thermometers, which display more values than only the temperature, up to handheld anemometers which can be used to determine the wind speed when it comes to the hobby of sailing. We can also repair or calibrate your current measuring instruments.
If you have any questions concerning our products or wish to enquire about spares or have a specific measuring need, do not hesitate to call us. Together we can find the right measuring instruments for the task at a hand and a solution to all your measuring needs.
Products can be purchased via either the online shop, over the phone, via fax or by post.

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